Across the year, we see so many events encouraging health, fitness, and sobriety. Whether it’s Dry January, or a gruelling challenge like Tough Mudder, we love to see so many people involved, especially when raising money for vital charities.
As October rolled round, we saw another challenge that we wholeheartedly support every year – Macmillan’s Go Sober for October.
Raising money for their incredible cancer support services, as well as raising awareness around the benefits of going alcohol-free, this challenge is one of the most convenient to get involved in for many.
That’s not to say it isn’t hard, however! Whether popping down the pub, or celebrating Halloween with friends and family, many of us can feel the social pressure to ‘just have one’, even if that pressure is coming internally.
As much as we don’t feel like it, going completely sober is a lifestyle change for some, making this challenge harder than it seems, yet so much more rewarding.
At the time of writing, they’ve already raised an outstanding £x, and many will have felt the positive impact of going alcohol-free such as:
- A much better night’s sleep as they experience an additional 5-6 rapid eye movement cycles per night
- Better hydration, leading to better physical performance, more energy, and less headaches!
- So many calories saved! For example, over 1000 calories saved for every 6 pints of beer avoided.
- Reduced blood pressure, improving vision and promoting kidney health.
With so many health benefits, why stop in October? Going alcohol-free is never easy, and we can’t always raise money for our sobriety, but many of us will have felt the major impact it has on our lives already!
While October may almost be over, it’s never too late to get involved! You can find out more about Macmillan and their challenge here:
For those dependent on alcohol, immediately going sober can pose as a serious health risk, and instead should be done gradually under the supervision of a doctor. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to visit our website and contact us: