As July unfolded, our ARBD care homes focused on nurturing residents’ well-being through a combination of skill-building activities, exciting outings, and moments of light-hearted fun. At ARBD Care, we understand the importance of creating a supportive environment where individuals with Alcohol-Related Brain Damage (ARBD) can thrive, grow, and enjoy a fulfilling life. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights from July across our homes:

Life skills and culinary adventures

Life skills remain a cornerstone of our approach, empowering residents to gain confidence and independence through daily tasks. This July, we were particularly proud of Rob, one of Serenita’s residents, who showcased his culinary talents by preparing a delicious steak meal for everyone. Whether it was served well-done or medium-rare, Rob’s meal was a hit and highlighted the importance of cooking as both a practical skill and a rewarding creative outlet.

Mental stimulation through puzzles

To keep minds sharp and engaged, many of the residents have been enjoying the challenge of puzzles like Sudoku. In fact, staff even offered a brief tutorial on how to play, which was a great opportunity for residents to exercise problem-solving skills and mental agility. Activities like this provide both cognitive stimulation and a fun, rewarding experience for participants.

Supporting community and friendly competition

While we were all cheering for England in the Euro final, the outcome wasn’t what many hoped for. However, there was a silver lining for our domestic staff member, Ewelina, who won the sweepstake with Spain as her team. The excitement, friendly competition, and playful camaraderie among staff and residents reminded everyone that sometimes, even in disappointment, there’s room for joy and connection.

Exploring the outdoors

July was filled with opportunities to step outside and enjoy the fresh air. One of the highlights of the month was a day trip to Taunton. Residents explored the beautiful Minster and visited the local museum. Serenita Resident, David, captured some lovely photographs of the area. Outings like this not only provide a change of scenery but also offer residents the chance to engage with their surroundings, fostering a sense of adventure and curiosity.

Fun and games: balloon olympics

Laughter and play are also essential to well-being, and this month we had plenty of both during our Balloon Olympics. Residents competed with enthusiasm, with some taking the event more seriously than others! These playful moments bring everyone together and highlight the importance of light-hearted fun in creating a warm, welcoming community.

Celebrating milestones

July was also a time for celebrating milestones, as we wished a happy birthday to support worker, Anna. Milestones like these remind us of the tight-knit community we’ve built, where both residents and staff are valued and appreciated.

Looking ahead

We’re excited about what the coming months have in store. Our commitment to providing a holistic approach to care—balancing life skills, cognitive activities, social engagement, and adventure—ensures that every resident at ARBD Care feels supported and empowered.

If you’d like to learn more about the activities and care we provide for individuals with ARBD, please reach out to us. We’re always here to welcome new members into our community.

July was a month filled with growth, community, and celebration. From day trips to cooking achievements and friendly competitions, our residents embraced the summer with enthusiasm and joy, proving once again that life at ARBD Care is vibrant and fulfilling.