The Importance of Summer Activities in Supporting Well-being for Individuals with Alcohol-Related Brain Damage (ARBD)

As the warm summer days of August wind down, our care homes have been bustling with engaging activities designed to foster well-being and provide stimulating experiences for residents. At ARBD Care, we believe that seasonal activities are more than just ways to pass the time; they offer an essential opportunity to nurture physical, cognitive, and social wellness, especially for individuals living with Alcohol-Related Brain Damage (ARBD).

Throughout August, our three care homes have been busy creating experiences that help residents reconnect with their environment, engage in meaningful social interactions, and build confidence through skill-based tasks.

Outings that inspire and engage

Residents enjoyed a number of trips to local attractions this month, providing both new and familiar faces with enriching experiences. On the 3rd Friday of August, a group visited the Bristol Museum, and for some, it was their first time exploring the exhibits. Not only did the visit offer a cultural experience, but it also stimulated mental engagement and brought joy to those involved.

Additionally, residents ventured out to other beautiful local spots like Apex Park and Burnham on Sea, where they could enjoy nature and a refreshing change of scenery. These outings allow residents to experience moments of tranquility while being physically active, helping to foster both mental and physical well-being.

Our August adventures culminated with a memorable trip to the Fleet Air Arm Museum near Yeovil. Everyone who attended had a wonderful time exploring the aviation history on display. Such outings help stimulate cognitive function and provide a sense of achievement through exploration.

Building life skills through everyday activities

Aside from trips, our residents have been actively participating in ongoing life skills activities at Serenita, one of our care homes. These tasks help keep the “good ship Serenita afloat” and involve residents in day-to-day responsibilities. Whether it’s helping with housekeeping or preparing meals, these activities foster a sense of independence and self-worth, which is vital for individuals with ARBD.

Earlier this month, Serenita held a pizza-making session, which not only offered residents a fun, hands-on culinary experience but also promoted teamwork and social interaction. As residents worked together to prepare lunch, they were able to bond and create lasting memories over a delicious homemade meal.

Celebrating milestones and community

This August also gave us the opportunity to celebrate both staff and residents. At Serenita, we marked the 3-year work anniversary of Ewelina, our dedicated housekeeper. Her diligent service has been instrumental in creating a warm, welcoming environment for everyone.

We also had the pleasure of welcoming a new resident, Sion, and saying goodbye to David, who has moved on after a number of months with us. These moments of transition are part of the fabric of our care homes and it is so rewarding to see the positive progress residents make.

Social events: coming together as a community

Social gatherings are essential for fostering a sense of belonging and joy among residents. One of the highlights this month was our end-of-August BBQ, where our kitchen staff pulled out all the stops to provide a delicious meal for everyone. The sunny afternoon provided the perfect backdrop for residents and staff to come together, relax, and enjoy each other’s company.

Looking ahead

As we say goodbye to August, we’re excited for what the next month holds. In September, we’re planning exciting activities, including ten-pin bowling and a visit to the Helicopter Museum. Serenita also look forward to celebrating upcoming resident birthdays and welcoming Kathy, our Disco Queen, back for another fantastic event.

At ARBD Care, our commitment to supporting residents with ARBD goes beyond providing care – it’s about enriching lives through tailored, engaging activities that promote well-being, connection, and joy. If you or a loved one is seeking support, we welcome you to reach out and learn more about the care and activities available at our homes.